Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Nuclear Power

I'm surprised the hear Tim Hudak says," They wanna make sure that their kids do better than they did. They wanna make sure that great Canadian tradition of each generation doing better than the last stays strong." The TIm Hudak Progressive Conservatives are proposing policies that will ensure Ontario moves backwards and policies that will not allow the next generation to be strong. The PC's are purposing a costly Nuclear energy project, that is neither cost effective or environmentally friendly. The last nuclear power project left Ontario with a crippling debt of 30 billion dollars only 2.7 billion of which has been paid off, that nuclear power project did not come in on time or on budget. What person wanting to allow the next generation of ontario to thrive would purpose a nuclear power project that will lead Ontario into crippling debt. Shame on Tim for masquerading as a man of the people when his policies will lead Ontario down a dark path of social services cuts and debt.

Monday, 12 September 2011

First Debate

Yesterday was my first political debate! It was a great day. I had my opening and closing statements:

I am excited to be here with you this afternoon, and hope that what you hear today will allow you to make an informed decision. I have been a resident of Beamsville all of my life, and I am the third generation of my family to live in Niagara West Glanbrook my mothers family lived in Smithville and I sit in my grandmother’s pew at Smithville United Church. I am committed to working with residents: business owners, parents, community activists, and anyone interested in helping me to more effectively represent the issues that matter to them. The Green Party of Ontario presents a new, sustainable perspective on government, and my goal this election is to offer a bold vision of sustainability, that has no commitment to special interests or inflexible established policies. I’ve often heard that the Green Party of Ontario is unelectable.

Greens in Ontario have come a long way, in 2007 we received 6 times more votes than all other minor parties combined and we averaged 8% of the popular vote. Some of our candidates placed second and third their riding, we are ready to build on these gains. As we think about the long term progress and direction of our civilization, we see the need for sustainability not only in the environment but in the job, health care, economic, and education sectors. We see that the challenges we face require creative solutions and new ways of doing things, they require something other than the traditional left and right wing parties. It’s time to elect Green MPPs to Queen’s Park. Never before has the Ontario political landscape been so dismal. The Liberals and Conservatives lack the vision and courage to lead Ontario into its rightful place in the 21st century. Ontarians must stand together to correct this miscarriage of democracy. It is time for a party with a bold vision and a leader with the courage to bring sustainability to Ontario. There is no better leader or Party than Mike Schreiner and the Green Party of Ontario.

Many Ontarians view the Green Party as a single issue party, every party has a central paradigm that gives it force. Ours is sustainability. We believe in environmentally sustainability but we also believe in fiscal sustainability. We are the only party calling for a balanced budget by 2015 all of the other parties are not purposing to balance the budget until 2017. Sustainability is certainly underlined in our environmental policies but it is at the core of our entire platform. Our bold platform developed, by thousands of Ontarians, covers all major sectors: jobs, economics, energy, health care, education, transportation, food and farming, and government reform. When we talk about sustainability we are dedicated to looking beyond an exclusive focus on the near term, whether that be the four year political cycle, or the next quarter. Instead we want to think about the long-term progress and direction of our civilization. The choices we have made thus far are not sustainable and won’t work in the long term. We need creative solutions for our problems. We know a vote for the old parties will result in more of the same: more taxes, more environmentally unsustainable practices, more cuts to social services, like under the Mike Harris conservative government. It’s time for a new approach on politics, its time for fiscally responsible government, it’s time for an environmentally responsible government, it’s time for a government that acts on behalf of ordinary Ontarians, and their families. It’s time to election Green MPP’s to Queen’s Park.

I will give you three good reasons to vote Green:

1. Create Jobs in a 21st century economy

2. Harness safe affordable energy

3. Promote Health

4. Feed communities

5. Deliver government that works for people

I really enjoyed debating with Liberal candidate Katie Trombetta and Anthony Macro, unfortunately Tim Hudak was unable to attend. I understand that Tim Hudak has many obligations as the Leader of the PCs however Niagara West Glanbrook is his riding and we are the people that might elect him. I think the other candidates and audience participates were frustrated, by Tim Hudak and hoped at the very least he would send a stand in. He did not. With the upcoming election and Niagara West Glanbrook maybe voting Time Hudak in, I hope he remembers to spend some time in his own riding, because it is hard to vote for someone that is never in the riding and inaccessible locals. With many great questions including questions, regarding the Green Energy Act and the windmills, mid pen highway, and downloading to municipalities. It seems to me that Katie, Anthony and I had similar views on all of theses issues with small differences and we all want to represent citizens effectively and the issues that matters to them. I hope that the debate was informative.

Together, we can be the change we want to see.

It's time, Niagara. Vote Green.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Beamsville Fair

The writ has dropped and we are in election mode! Come by the Beamsville fair this weekend to ask questions or just drop by for a visit. I will be there Saturday 10-2 ready to answer anyquestions you may have. I am also looking forward to the debate Sunday, and happy to be promoting a platform that offers Ontarians new, sustainable solutions to the problems we face today. We know that a vote for the old parties will bring more of the same: more taxes, more environmentally unfriendly approaches, more cuts to social services, like the cuts made under the Mike Harris government. It's time for a new approach on politics, it's time for fiscally responsible government, its time for environmentally responsible government, its time for a government that acts on behalf of ordinary Ontarians, and their families. It's time to elect Green MPP's to Queen's park. Please contact 905-563-8828, for a lawn sign or to volunteer.

Together, we can be the change we want to see.

It's time, Niagara. Vote Green.