Wednesday, 18 May 2011

National Police Week

This is week is national police week May 15-21, and I consider this a week to remember all the great things police officers do for all of us and how they truly serve the public. I know that I am very grateful for all the work police officers do for me and my community. It is truly a job of public service and I am very grateful for our excellent officers in Niagara West Glanbrook.

On saturday May, 28 from 9-2 Great Lakes Christian College is collecting unwanted electronic waste :). A great opportunity to recycle all those old MP3s, TVs, cell phone, DVD and VHS players, and other electronic equipment.

This Monday the committee for the up coming bike ride and bbq with Mike met and began to firm up the plans for the event (although Chris Frere had pretty up give us everything we needed:) (chris is a rock star btw!)). The ride will begin at 1pm on 3165 Twenty-First st (pat's house) the bike stops include: Old mill, Canada's farm toy museum, Ridge metal farm, Parker Bees, and Feather Stone. The Ride will end back at 3165 Twenty-First st around 6 pm where there will be a bbq and Mike will address the attendees.

The tickets will be available very soon and its looking like an excellent and fun event. I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately I won't be partaking in the bike ride because I will be at the Green Party of Ontario NWG booth at Berries and Blooms festival but I'm looking forward to the fresh local produce at the bbq after a long day at the festival and of course looking forward to what Mike has to say.

Tickets are:
$25 for adults
$15 for 21 and under

More detail about the event to follow. Contact any member of Green Party NWG for tickets :)

Together, we can be the change we want to see.

It's time, Niagara. Vote Green.

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